Jim Corbett National Park was established in India in 1936. Jim Corbett is the oldest National Park in India. This park was named after Jim Corbett who played an important role in its establishment. Jim Corbett was the first park to come under the Project Tiger initiative. Jim Corbett national park is located in Nainital, Uttarakhand. This Park contains 488 species of plants. The main focus of Jim Corbett Park is to protect wildlife.

Corbett has been a haunt for tourists for a long period of time. But now, tourism activity is allowed in selected areas so that people can see its diverse wildlife. Every season, more than 72,000 visitors come to this park.

Jim Corbett Park is located between 29˚ 25’ and 29˚ 39’ latitude and between 78˚ 44’ and 79˚ 07’E longitude. The present area of the reserve is 1,318.54 square km.

Weather in the Jim Corbett park is temperate compared to most other protected areas of India. In winter, the temperature may vary from 5˚c to 30˚c and in summer, temperature does not rise above 40˚c.

Other attractions of Jim Corbett National Park…

  • Jeep Safari- It is the most convenient way to travel in the park.
  • Dhikala- Well-Known destination has a rest house, was built 100 years ago.
  • Kalagarh Dam- Best place for bird watching tour.
  • Corbett Falls- 20-Meter water situated 25 km from Ramnagar is surrounded by dense forest.