Pondicherry is an incredible town tucked away in Puducherry. Pondicherry is the capital of Puducherry and fondly known as Pondy. Though the town is small in size but its high on beauty quotient. Scenic beauty, golden beaches, serene backwaters, french architectural splendors make it no less than a paradise.

This tiny emerald possesses some places that are worthy of everyone’s notice.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram is on the top list . The ashram still follows the teaching of Sri Aurobindo and the French mother. 

For those who are water babies and love to play with water then Promenade Beach is an ideal location for you all. Besides being a fun attraction this place holds a historical importance too as you can spot the statue of Mahatma Gandhi, old lighthouse, the remains of the old pier, Dupleix statue and the old customs house, War Memorial, statue of Joan of Arc and the heritage town hall.

Auroville is a hidden treasure in Pondicherry. The place symbolises peace, progress and harmony and is designed beautifully in modern, western and traditional Indian ways. 

Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus is an another major attractions in Pondicherry. While visiting this place you will feel a blissful experience. Not only the name of God will calm down your restless soul, infact the gothic architecture will also leave you spellbound.

La Casita is only the facility that is specially provided in Pondicherry. You can enroll yourself at La Casita and learn about Latin America’s art and culture. Salsa, Tango, Capoeira, Bollywood, Acro Yoga  Zumba, Vertical dance workshops are some of the interesting courses from which you can opt from and make your stay even more memorable.